
Provost and District
Fish and Game Association


Upcoming Events


Range Access




For Membership please contact our Membership Chair: Corbyn Charlton @ 780 806-3645

Membership prices:
Individual: $60.00
Family: $80.00

Memberships can be obtained by emt. Send membership dues by emt to membership@provostfishandgame.com. Include your birth year, and the names and birth years of any family members to be included in a family membership. Thanks.
Membership benefits:
Use of the Ranges
Eligible for annual awards
$3,500.00 Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage, discounts on eye-wear products at Super Store Optical and HaKim
Bi-Monthly Newsletter
Show your Member Savings card at any Mark’s Work Wearhouse location and save 10% off all merchandise listed on your card!
Discounts on personal insurance through Allied Insurance Services Ltd
Opportunity to participate in youth camps, and other assorted courses
Satisfaction of knowing you support sound resource management and conservation principles
Increasing the strength and voice of the AFGA when it deals with government, industry, and other organizations on matters and issues of concern to resident outdoor enthusiasts